
Installing Pleiades at Falls Music and Art Festival 2013/14

This year Pleiades is installed in the Gully at Marions Bay - the road that connects the Valley Stage, the Field Stage and the Village.

The creation of Pleiades (felt spheres) is a community art project. The creation of these spheres in the community, and from communities from around the globe was to promote dreams, conversations and ideas. While all these elements unfold around the conception, creation and life of this work the overall essence of the piece holds true – the work acknowledges that with all our differences we all live under the same sun.

The collection as it stands, has spheres sent from Norway, China, India, USA, Japan, spheres made by Dr’s ,Architects, Lawyers,Students, the elderly and the young.

The work is made of over 2,000 cream felt spheres that have been sent from around the world to be included in the collection. This work was originally hung for the Junction Arts Festival - a Regional Arts Australia Conference and Arts Festival in 2010.

Connections – Falls Music and Art Festival 2013/14
Twenty tents (reclaimed tents that were damaged in a storm) all the ropes that came with the tents, plus 200 meters of rope, 10 meters of stainless steel rope and countless hours. This work was woven with techniques taught by the traditional land owners of Goolwa SA and inspired by the language they used when teaching

 The work is currently placed in a cluster of trees in the Valley Stage area at Falls Marions Bay and sits looking over the camping area known as the “bad lands” – Like an eye watching.

Connections will also be installed at the Jackeys Marsh Forest Festival at the end of Jan 2014.


Felting with the inspirational Marjolein Dallinga. This is a detail that I am still working on.

Studio work April 2013

These felted works weigh 25grams and are at
The Design Center Tasmania.

pSiren #15 Le Fay March 2013

I had the opportunity to take some photos for VAMP Gothic Dance Co 's pSiren series with burlesque dancer Le Fay as the model. Here is a sneak peek ......
Costume and pSiren concept by Genevieve House

pSiren #15
Le Fay
Image by Sonja Hindrum Artist
— with Sonja Hindrum and Le Fay Waits


On Your Marks By Stompin, costume work March 2013

ON YOUR MARKS by Stompin Dance for Ten Days on the Island 
Costumes designer.
More photos to come.

Connections Jan 1013

Connections is a large rug made using recycled materials and the “tooth brush” rag rug technique. The end result will be many small samples made by the participants. These samples will be stitched together to form one massive rug that can be used for instillation’s. The work is celebrating our diversity yet our connection to each other. The other work that is happening along side this is the recycling of tents form the Falls Festival and other donations to make another massive rag rug. Due to the materials used this work will be more weather tolerant and there for more suitable for exhibiting outside. FanTAStic is the Australian International Girl Guide jamboree is being held in Tasmania from 6 – 12 January 2013. At fanTAStic there are Guides from all over Australia and Girl Guides and Girl Scouts from Japan, Canada, New Zealand, USA, United Kingdom, Fiji, India, Philippines, Singapore, Hungary, and Ghana. For 7 days it is a uniquely Tasmanian experience, focusing on fun, friendship, new adventures and the environment. ………. over 1700 participants —


Pleiades on the Main Stage of Falls Music and Arts FestivalJan 1st 2013

Pleiades on the Main Stage of Falls Music and Arts Festival
Over 2000 cream felt spheres from around the world to create the instillation work Pleiades.

Installing the work on the side of the main stage.