
Regional Arts Australia Volunteer Awards

These are the awards that I designed and made the glass components for. They were presented on the 28th Aug Via Regional Arts Australia and Michael Bryce.

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Rain Sonnet

so far there is 1kg of glass droplets for the bodice.

All the words ever spoken, written or thought become encased in raindrops and kept in the clouds. Eventually the clouds become so full that the words spill over and fall back to earth encased in the tiny drops of rain.

Rather than repelling the rain drops this skirt catches them.

The magic of language is far too precious to be wasted.

the hem is 60cm and the waist is 25meters


Studio work June 2010

Working on a hollow glass chamber for the Regional Arts Australia volunteer awards art work.


Tonight I took a photo of Mrs Frobisher....

A great two weeks of handing over all domestic thoughts and activities has led my family to the arms of another woman!

Over the last few days my beautiful family have spoken fondly of Mrs Frobisher, she is a "cat lady" - she sips tea from fine china, likes good manners, forgets she has socks on and adds another pair to her feet. She talks in funny half sentences, she wears sensible denim jeans, thermals, wool socks and sensible work boots, she sports a pure wool jumper, made in Australia that is good and thick and a crazy red beanie on her head.

My family have talked about how
Mrs Frobisher comes into my home with her wickedly crazy steel wool afro that has been caused by several hours of beanie wearing. The children think her hair is so crazy that a cat lives in it! (that is why they call her the cat lady!) She sits in my chair and is given cups of organic fair trade tea in my fine china cup! She is greeted at the end of the day with much excitement from my family. The other day she even went out in public with my family.

Tonight I took a photo of Mrs Frobisher....


some colour and crazy shapes

some pairs of earings, yet to be cleaned and popped on some earings

A crazy collection of wobbly little pots and plates.
I think of them as little cups and plates for wonky fairies.

This work was made as all the major works I have at the moment are either cream or clear spheres, so COLOUR and SHAPES are what I found my self making between all the very precise clear glass work and all the cream felt spheres.


Felt scarf - First one made for this winter season

The mountains that can be seen from our home have inspired the colours along with Mnt Roland.

Tasmanian autumn and winter gives a magnificent blue to the horizon.

This scarf is Tasmanian Merino and silk.

With the days getting colder and greyer I am felting to build up stock for retail. But when its sunny, I am out working with glass.


Collection of work

Just some of my work in no particular order.

2010 - current work, Pleiades.
Community project involving over 1000 cream felted spheres.
More information at:

Selection of lampwork 2008-2009

part of Etherial Journey 2003
Large felted wings that hang like a marionette size=roughly 2.3m w x 1.5m d

details of the 2nd part of Etherial Journey 2003

Detail of Birth of the Journey. 2003

Thylacine collection 2006
Small run of bush dyed silk scarves sold at the Design Center Launceton.

Silk mache dress made for Convict Cutters. 2005

Details of the Titania range 2005
Photos by Naomie Petrack

Costumes design for Into the Woods - Director Jeff Hockley 1998

Tasmanian Merino felt scarf.

Cream felt sphere - part of the Pleiades collection 2010

More cream flet spheres from Pleiades 2010

Tiny hollow glass chambers with handmade paper scrolls tied with silk thread dyed from eucalypt from the Gorge Launceston.

Lampwork 2010

Lampwork 2010

Detail of Aloe. 2010

Path yet traveled, bracelet - Stainless steel, glass, paper, copper. 2010

Detail - Path yet traveled, bracelet - Stainless steel, glass, paper, copper. 2010

Otis - Lampwork and cubic zirconian 2010

Extension of "Same Sun" - hollow lampwork, hand made paper, silk thread.
There is only seven in this series - one for each continent. I have been sending (and will continue to send) a strand to a person on each continent as a link to the work back to the "same Sun". 2009


lampwork detail. 2009


Costumes made for Tas Dance - Dirt music; Choreoographer: Natalie Weir.
For Ten Days on the Island. 2002

Costumes made for Tas Dance. Choreographer: Neil Adams.
Ten Days on the Island. 2004

Part of "The Ethereal Journey"
cobweb felt. w 2.5x d 1.5 weight (with no wire armature) is under 100grams.

"Have wings will travel". Tiny felt wings in resin bags.
wings and concept by Sonja Hindrum, Resin work and mould work by Alison Green. 2004

"Titania range"
Silk and cobweb felted range of garments. Showen here as part of Arts Tasmania's Design Island New Horizons exhibition 2007

Titania range - shown as part of Convict Cutters new season show in 2006 (this image taken by Naomie Petrack). The Titania Range was reviewed by Dr Margaret Baguley and published in Echoes - The International Felters magazine.

Same Sun.
Glass, copper, paper, silk, stainless steel 2009